Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cleaning Challenge--Bedrooms--Day 2/3

It's been a busy week so far, and I haven't gotten much done in the bedrooms, but here are my few little accomplishments:

*Sorted through Julia's outgrown clothes and put them away (OK, that's not really cleaning, but it needed to be done!)
*Changed the sheets on Sam's bed and our bed
*Dusted my nightstand and vacuumed under it, and under my side of the bed (lots of dust bunnies!)

I also hope to wash all of our bedroom windows and maybe also the curtains, and clean under Jim's side of the bed, and do a thorough dusting and vacuuming in the kids' room. And dust our dressers and straighten all the stuff that seems to accumulate on top of them! What with planning Julia's birthday party for this Saturday, I'm not sure if I will reach all my goals, but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully I will be able to put more time into the challenge over the next 2 days. :)


Carrie said...

This week I have dusted the blinds, used the hose to clean the outside of the windows, washed the truck, swept the gazeebo, washed the glass bulb holders, and washed me and the kids :) I do appreciate your posts and that you are still going strong - it challenges me to get more done! i love your little girls patchwork outfit.

Erin said...

Hi Carrie! Just wanted to say "hi" and that I still regularly check in here! I've just been bad about commenting lately. But anyway...I've enjoyed reading about all of your cleaning and organizing projects. I'm trying to do that right now too, so it's inspiring to read about your "Challenges"! Oh...and your kiddos are looking cuter than ever! Happy b-day to she really a year old already???

Mrs.T said...

I haven't accomplished much so far, but there's still hope now that my big writing project is pretty much done.

One big task I did do was dust my glass-topped desk in the bedroom (and clean the glass) and replace the winter-themed "paper treasures" under the glass with spring-themed ones. I also did Kelly's Mission of removing anything from the bedroom that really belongs elsewhere.

Keep up the great work!

Carrie said...

Carrie--you have definitely been busy!! I have totally slacked off this week; hopefully next week will be better!

Erin--it was great to hear from you! I am bad about commenting too--just don't have as much time as I used to! I'm enjoying your Frugal Living Journal a lot--you guys have done a great job with the site! And yes, Julia is a year old, and I can't believe it, either!!

Mom--I'm so glad you got the project done! Hopefully we can both do better on the living room challenge next week. :)