Thursday, March 01, 2007

In like a lion . . . maybe!

Well, March 1st actually seemed to come in like a lamb. :) It's been another gorgeous day here, in the high 30s with bright blue skies and sunshine. But we're supposed to get a pretty good storm tonight and tomorrow, so maybe the month really is going to start out like a lion and go out like a lamb.

Today as I was running around doing errands, my thoughts went back to this date, three years ago. Now I usually can't remember what I was doing on a particular day, even one year ago. :) But I remember March 1st, 2004, for a few reasons. I had gone over to Dartmouth for a midwife appt. that morning, and the midwife I saw that day was concerned that I was measuring small, so she ordered an ultrasound. We had a few hours to kill between my appt. and the ultrasound, so we went to town and browsed around at Best Buy, finally picking out our very first digital camera. We were so happy that we had gotten one, especially since it turned out that I gave birth to Sam just 4 days later! That day three years ago was a beautiful day much like this one--I remember sitting in the Best Buy parking lot and actually being hot, which is pretty unusual for this time of year! That night, I picked up my mom and we went over to a Tupperware party at my sister-in-law Julie's house. Only to my surprise, it wasn't a Tupperware party at all, but a baby shower for me! So I have a lot of fun reasons to remember March 1st. :)

Of course, I have even better reasons for remembering March 5th, 2004! I can't believe that my little boy is going to be 3, in four more days. Just doesn't seem possible! He is old enough this year to "get" the idea of birthdays . . . and he seems to be excited about it. I'm planning a little family party for him; not sure exactly when we're having it yet, but I do know it will be later than the 5th. Probably the 10th or 17th, depending what works well for the rest of the family.

Speaking of babies, I must send out big congratulations to our friends Josh & Gail, who became first-time parents yesterday!! Baby Daniel arrived safely, weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs, 13 oz. I got to go visit the new little one and his parents this evening, which was a special treat.

I have so much to write about, but not enough time to do it! Hopefully tomorrow I will have a few minutes to post some of the other thoughts that are spinning around in my head. :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Sam! And I have no idea where the time goes . . . but I know it goes way too fast!!