Well, although we have been having quite a lot of fall weather ever since the beginning of September, I guess yesterday was the "official" first day of fall. So, happy fall! :) Today is dreary and rainy, a nice cozy day to stay inside. Hopefully later today, Jim is going to be upgrading our computer to a newer operating system (hooray!!), so I decided I'd better blog now in case I don't get a chance the rest of the day.
The kids and I have all had a bad cold this week. My sore throat multiplied itself into a million little germs that went on to attack my sinuses, resulting in a runny nose, headaches, and a bit of a cough for the rest of the week! I think we are all improving now, though. It worked out nicely for me that Jim's work schedule was such that he was between jobs this week! He should be starting on a big barn renovation next week, but for this week he was home every day. He took charge of Sam, keeping him outside much of the time, while Julia and I rested and tried to keep up with some housework inside. That was such a huge blessing, to only have to look after one child most of the time! And Sam LOVED having the extra time with Daddy! Julia and I were also able to take advantage of some of the gorgeous fall weather, spending some time out in the fresh air, which I'm sure was good for us, too. The leaves are starting to turn now, and the last few days have been just perfect fall days. I'm always undecided whether my favorite season if spring or fall. Right now, I think it's fall. :) It's such a perfect time of year--clean, crisp air, fall leaves crunching underfoot, pumpkins and apples showing up in dinners and desserts (and decorations!), chipmunks running around everywhere, collecting acorns . . . there are just so many things to love about fall. :)
Jim and I had a date night last night! We left the kids with my parents and went out for dinner at a little take-out place by a lake. It's the last weekend they're open, so we decided to try it. The food was yummy and the prices were reasonable, and the view was nice. It was fun sitting there by the boardwalk, looking out at the still water, and the boats coming in and out, while the evening turned dusky and cool. The downside to the atmosphere was that it was a bit more "hip" than what we had realized--the seating is right by the outdoor bar, and they have a loudspeaker be-bopping away with music that isn't exactly to our taste. :( We were waited on by the bartender, who was actually the only waitstaff for the whole outdoor area (since it's the end of the season, they weren't terribly busy). He was very nice, but one of these guys with the ball cap on backwards, who greeted us with a "Wha's up, guys? You here to chill? have some drinks? eat?" Ummmmm . . . just eat, thanks! :) And just water, please! As I said to Jim later, I am so totally un-cool, but I don't mind a bit! Anyway, aside from that part of the atmosphere, we had fun, and enjoyed just being together. Jim kept saying funny things and making me crack up. After we ate, we headed over to some little shops nearby. There's a new store there that specializes in Adirondack style furnishings (very expensive!) and I thought Jim would enjoy looking around in there. It's the type of decor that we love, and the type of log furniture that Jim can make, only "ritzed up" a bit--dark stain, rather than natural, etc. I hope Jim can one day get into making more of that kind of furniture, and selling it. He's so creative, and would have a blast doing that. They even had a real bearskin rug (complete with head), a couple moose heads on the wall (at eye level, which was very cool), and all kinds of other cool stuff. It is definitely a rich people's store, but so much fun to browse in. The lighting was soft, the atmosphere was cozy, and the music playing nearby was "Somewhere in Time," (much more to my taste), so it was a very nice end to our evening. :)
We got news this morning that my sister is in labor!!! So I will hopefully be able to post by the end of the day that I have a new niece or nephew!! :D Please keep her in prayer, for a quick and easy delivery and a healthy baby!
Well, I better skedaddle for now and see how much I can get accomplished around the house today. :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
1 comment:
Thanks! :) And you're right about the eating out atmosphere--especially at some places. There are a few restaurants (but usually more on the expensive side) where I actually come away feeling refreshed because it's been such a pleasant experience. Wish that was the case all the time!
But at least we did feel quite refreshed because we had a night out by ourselves. :)
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