I was just thinking about some of my favorite things, a few of which I have been enjoying today. Here's a list, for the fun of it. :)
~Baby giggles and grins
~Pride & Prejudice on DVD
~Hot tea with plenty of sugar
~Fresh, clean sheets
~Chewy chocolate chip cookies
~Phone calls to or from friends and family
~My gray & black plaid wool skirt, which I will hopefully get to wear to church tomorrow (I only got to wear it once while pregnant with Julia before I outgrew it!)
~"Squeezy hugs" from Sam
~Alone time with my hubby
~The new family portrait on our wall
~Our computer's new operating system, "Tiger" (thanks to Joe for talking us through the install!)
~Julia's little pink toes
These are just a few that sprang to mind! I also enjoyed a visit to Anna's blog, Pleasant View Schoolhouse, today. I know I have mentioned this blog once before, but it was a while ago. It's one of those blogs that is simply elegant, with beautiful photography. I love her vintage tastes! I always come away truly inspired. :)
I'm hoping the kids and I will be well enough to go to church tomorrow . . . I think we're going to plan on it unless our colds seem to be still hanging on too much. Therefore, I guess I'd better go and get busy with tomorrow's preparations!
What are some of your favorite things?
In regards to "Pride and Prejudice" -- To quote Mark Twain: "Just the omission of Jane Austen's books alone would make a fairly good library out of a library that hadn't a book in it."
So . . . I take it you're not an Austen fan, eh TJ? :) I have to admit that I've never actually READ P&P yet . . . but I do love the A&E miniseries. :)
Well, my guilty secret is that I really liked the movie with Kiera Knightly. I watched it because my daughter made me do it, but I actually enjoyed it -- as predictable as it was.
Long, unhurried, hot showers are high on my list lately. Also, hot homemade bread fresh from the oven with butter.
Hearty laughing with my daughter Chloe. And just watching her attempt to do something by herself is pretty amazing.
That Pleasant View Schoolhouse blog looks so inspiring! WIsh I could sew that well! What's this tiger os you mentioned?
TJ--I haven't seen the new P&P; glad you enjoyed it, though!
Zan--I think I should add sleeping to my list, too. :) Motherhood is definitely tiring!! I'm glad you've been able to do some cleaning and decorating; isn't it a great feeling when you can ge a lot accomplished?! :)
Alicia, thanks for sharing some of your favorites! Tiger is Mac OS 10.4. We formerly had OS 10.2.8, and had been having some problems. The upgrade is really nice!! Thank goodness for my brother-in-law who is a Mac expert and is willing to help us with all our questions!! Are you guys Mac or PC people?
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