Saturday, August 12, 2006

Question of the Week: Bread baking

My previous post gave me an idea for the question of the week. How many of you regularly bake bread for your family? Do you do it by hand or use a bread machine? What is your favorite kind of bread to bake?

If you don't bake bread, what is your favorite brand/type of store-bought bread? As I mentioned, I don't usually bake much bread. Currently our favorite store-bought brand (which is still fairly affordable) is Baker's Inn 100% Whole Wheat. Jim prefers all his sandwiches to be on whole wheat bread. The kind I am baking today, however, is white bread (American Sandwich Bread from "The New Best Recipe" cookbook) because that is what my french toast bake recipe calls for. The picture above shows how nicely the bread turned out! It also smells fabulous!! :)


Anonymous said...

We too use wheat bread and it's all home made. I don't have a bread machine...the kneading is done with my stand mixer, which makes it relatively easy to do. On average, we go through about 8 loaves per week and I bake twice, once on Monday and again on Friday - four loaves each time. I use the whole wheat recipe from the New Best recipe book, but with alerations to suit our tastes and also to make it softer.
I also make french bread which we use for garlic bread/toast to go with spaghetti and anything else that garlic bread goes well with! We have all gotten used to homemade bread and now prefer that to the store bought kind.

Mrs.T said...

Carrie -- your bread does look delicious! Nice job on the photography too!

Joanne -- would you be willing to share your bread recipes? They sound wonderful!

Cherish the Home said...

I like Catherine Clarks 100% whole wheat bread. It even has sunflower seeds in it, very yummy!

Carrie said...

Mindee, there is something so rewarding about making it by hand, isn't there! (Well, I guess I didn't totally make it "by hand" since the mixer did most of the work . . . but it still felt more "handmade" than when I use the bread machine!) :) Jim doesn't like how the bread machine crusts come out--too crunchy. I do use my bread machine for pizza dough all the time, though!

Joanne, if you get a chance could you email me with your recipes (including variations) and I'll post it here! I'm going to try the wheat bread recipe after I shop tomorrow and get a few needed ingredients. I honestly think you must be supermom, to bake so much bread and look after 3 boys too!!! :) I agree that homemade tastes so much nicer than the store bought.

Mrs. T (and everyone else), thanks for the comments on my bread. :)

Mrs. B, that kind sounds yummy too! I like sunflower seeds in bread, in granola, on salad . . . mmmmm!! :)

Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Unknown said...

I LOVE making homemade bread without a bread maker. My favorite is french bread. It's easy though it needs 2 times to rise. I think people don't realize how easy it is to bake homemade bread . . . it's not that tricky and the smell and taste are DELICIOUS!