Monday, August 07, 2006

7 Years on the 7th

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Happy Anniversary to my precious husband!!!! I love you so much and am so thankful for the past seven wonderful years. I look forward to many more to come!!!

For those who may have missed it, I had posted this and some other wedding pictures some time ago. If anyone's interested, you can see them here. :)


Cherish the Home said...

Awwww....Happy Anniversary!

You both look so young...either that or I am getting old! LOL (o;

Your dress is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! What did you do to celebrate? Our's is the 13th and it will be 12 years. I love the picture!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! Seven happy years is really something to celebrate! The Lord has truly blessed you (and us - We've been married for seven happy years on this past June 19th!) I guess I didn't remember that we were married the same year. Congratulations and may God continue to bless you both!

Carrie said...

Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes! We had a nice day. Jim got home a little early from work, and we took a walk together as a family. I made crockpot lasagna for supper, so we enjoyed that. We hope to get away for dinner out for just the 2 of us one of these days, but not sure when. We may have to take Julia along, though, unless we can get her to take a bottle (which she hasn't been interested in doing the last couple times we tried!).

Esther said...

Hey Carrie! I don't know if you'll even read this comment - it's been a while since you posted this. I can't belive (oh wait, yes I can - it's me we're talking about here) I missed your anniversary! 7 years - wow, time flies. Wonderful memories from your wedding - thanks again for letting me be a part of it!
