(Well, so much for the nap--Sam just got up!)
Okay, I've now got him interested in some new play dough that I picked up today, so hopefully that'll last for a few minutes. :)
It's been a hot week, but with gorgeous, sunshiny days, in spite of the heat. We went to the beach one day, and have enjoyed staying inside in the air conditioned house for much of the rest of the week. We've also gone out to play on the deck some, though. The deck gets full sun most of the day, which is great for hanging clothes out to dry! I don't dry every load of laundry, but I do dry a lot of things, especially baby clothes that have been stained by blow-outs! The sun takes the stains right out, most of the time. Isn't it great how God has given us so much naturally to accomplish things--such as the sun being a great stain remover! :)
I find myself getting a lot more into natural, "crunchy" type stuff over the past few years. I still have a long way to go, but we eat less processed, pre-packaged foods now, and I find myself reading labels a lot more carefully, and also looking for more natural remedies for sickness/pain, etc. Julia has been colicky, and my aunt recommended Hyland's colic tablets. Unfortunately I couldn't find them, but I did come across "gripe water," which is an organic remedy that is quite popular in Europe, and apparently just beginning to become known here in the U.S. It's expensive, but it does seem to help her feel better. Hopefully she will outgrow the colic problem soon!
I also recently came across "probiotics." Has anyone else ever heard of these? I learned about them on the WellTellMe forums, and I'm thinking of getting some of the Tummy Tune-Up supplements. Probiotics are sort of the opposite of antibiotics. Whereas antibiotics get rid of both bad and good bacteria in our GI tract, the probiotics replenish the good bacteria (at least that's the way I understand it.) The live cultures in yogurt are a type of probiotics, I believe. Anyway, it's all very interesting to study up on, although the more I learn, the more I realize that I need to develop better healthy habits for myself!
Sam and Julia are keeping me pretty busy these days. Yesterday Sam was playing with a pen, and I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. Next thing I know, he comes up to me with pen lines all over his legs!

Speaking of nights, I find it interesting how that is the big question everyone asks about (myself included) when folks have a new baby. "How is he/she doing at night?" "Sleeping through the night yet?" It's kind of funny, because really there is no rule that says babies have to sleep all night at a certain age. But sometimes we seem to feel it is a measure of our parenting skills, whether or not we have "gotten them to sleep through" by 6 weeks, or whatever. I remember feeling so ashamed (and tired) because Sam didn't sleep through consistently till he was about 18 months (gasp!) old. I read all kinds of different methods, tried various things, but until Jim took over and started going in and getting him back to sleep, nothing worked. Looking back on it, I think I stressed out too much over the whole thing. Yes, I was sleep-deprived, and yes, I was tired. But I survived! With Julia, I have been more relaxed about the sleep thing. She sleeps beside our bed, and if she happens to wake in the night, I just bring her into bed with us and nurse her. We don't "co-sleep" per se, but this is what works for us right now. I find I am a lot more rested by doing things this way than I was with Sam, when I was getting up to nurse on the couch several times a night. And thankfully, Julia has been a really good sleeper, so she usually isn't up until 4-5 am. But I guess what I am trying to say with all this rambling, is that how your child sleeps does not mean you are a good or bad parent, or that you have a good or bad baby. :) I read something on another blog just recently, that was from a dad's perspective. They bottle fed their babies, and he would sometimes do the nighttime feedings to give his wife a break. He said he actually enjoyed the special times of doing that, and used it as a time to pray for that child. What a great outlook!
On another topic, I am happy to announce that I have been able to keep my sink shining every night for the past 9 nights!!! Hip hip, hooray!! I have not really done much else with my Flylady routines yet, but at least I am making a good habit in this one area. I find that it really helps my attitude in the morning, to not have a huge sinkful of dishes staring me in the face when I come into the kitchen.
Well, I am off to post a question of the week (hopefully) and maybe some pictures. Hope you all are having a great week!
I agree Carrie....it sounds like you're finding what works for you and your children.
Good for you! I'm glad to read that you're doing so well. (o:
I agree too! I think that we all tend to forget that children, even within a family, are all so different and will do things at different times -- including when they sleep through the night. I think many times it is not so much what the parent is doing or not doing -- but just that the individual babies are so different. You are truly blessed with how well Julia sleeps at night!
I have heard of probiotics (acidophilus is one, for example) and for several months I took some high-priced "probiotic pearls". The entire first month I had a stomach ache most of the time. I have no idea if it actually helped me or not, but I figured it could do no harm. After the three months I decided to switch to the Natrol acidophilus, and that's what I stll use.
Your right! Why are babies any different than adults - of our six, 2 naturally get up early, 2 require more sleep, 1 I actually have to drag out of bed, and my littlest is an excellent sleeper. My husband sleeps like a log! I usally enjoy the night feeding as a little extra snuggle time,with the last ones they just stayed in bed after, but with little guy he goes back to the bassenett. The last 2 nights after feeding him I have put him in the crib in the nursery - as long as he is on his belly he is happy anywhere! Each ones diffferent and each a blessing.
Loved your longer blog and all your ramblings!
I'll try to get you pictures soon - I tried last week and my computer froze up and I din't have time to try again.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. B--thanks for your comment! :) I'm still reading your blog, too--just haven't had much commenting time on any blogs, lately!
Mrs. T--you're right about how children are all different!! And yes, we are truly blessed to have a good sleeper this time around! (8.5 hours last night!) Thanks for sharing about the probiotics you're taking. I will let you know how the Tummy Tune-ups work if/when I try them.
Joey--thanks for sharing about all your different types of sleepers! You are a great encourager. :) Both my kiddos are tummy sleepers, too--they never slept well on their backs unless it was in the swing or carseat.
Glad you enjoyed my ramblings! :) I'll look forward to pictures whenever you get a chance!
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