Today is bright and sunny--a lovely spring day in New Hampshire. The leaves, flowers and green grass seem to have appeared practially overnight. Not that we have any green grass in our yard . . . only lots of dirt and rocks . . . but someday!! Both the little ones are napping right now, but I'm not sure how long that will last, so I decided to let myself take a rest, too, and blog for a few minutes. I also wanted to post some pictures of Sam and Julia. We have yet to take a picture that includes all four of us--hopefully we'll get around to that soon.
Sam loves his baby sister; the only problem is that he thinks he should be able to hold her and carry her around, so I have to keep a good eye on him and keep her out of his reach. :) But at least he loves her! We do let him hold her with our assistance from time to time, and I'll try and get a picture of that soon.

The past week has been spent adjusting to having a new baby, resting up, and enjoying having Jim home to spoil me and take care of us! Today he is back to work, so real life has set in again. :) Actually, I'm finding that I'm having a much easier time adjusting to things this time around than when Sam was born. I think just being an experienced mom helps a lot. Also, having a baby in the late spring seems nicer. Sam was born in March, which wasn't too bad, but I couldn't go out a lot at first since the weather wasn't as nice, so I was cooped up with him in our little trailer, and I think I got a bit of cabin fever. Here I have space to move inside the house, as well as being able to enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort of our new deck. After Sam's birth, it took me a good 6 weeks to really feel "back to normal," whereas this time around, I'm feeling pretty good already. Nursing is going great (Julia seemed to be a natural at that from the start!), the baby weight is coming off, and the hormones haven't been as wacky (so far, anyway). As long as I don't stress out about housework, and plan simple meals for a while, I think things will go well. We've also been blessed to receive several meals from family and friends, which has been a big help!
We are slowly accumulating a supply of girly clothes, which is fun! It's very strange to see all these tiny garments in pink, or frills, or flowers, piling up around here! Most everything has been given to us; the only things I've bought Julia so far are 3 items from the local children's consignment store. Here's one of them, which I simply couldn't resist:

How cute is that?! :) I knew her Daddy would love it. :) (In case you can't tell, it has cowgirls, horses, cacti, etc. all over it.)
Congratulations, Carrie! What a BEAUTIFUL little girl!!!:o) Right now I've got some groceries to put away, but I'll be back to read Julia's birth story later. Oh, beautiful name too...I'm glad that everything is going well so far!!!
What a doll baby!!!!!! congrats to you. How nice to hear that a second child is easier to adjust to than the first. She really is a beautiful little girl. Are you getting your rest?
She looks tiny, how much did she weigh? I'm very envious of your recovery time . . . I'm hoping I won't have to do a c-section with our future kiddos.
I didn't know but I'm so happy for you all!
I'll be back to read the birth story later.
Erin, thanks for the congrats and the compliments. :) We think she is beautiful, too, and we have also gotten a lot of comments on her pretty name.
Alicia, thanks to you too! And I am getting my rest--truly!--even though it may not look like it with all my blogging activity of late. :) She is tiny . . . she weighed 6 1/2 lbs. That was a little bigger than Sam was, though . . . he was a whopping 5 lb. 14 oz. :) I hope mine are all small; they come out nice and easy that way! I hope you can do a VBAC next time, too. The recovery is definitely a lot easier (from what I've heard).
Mrs. B, thanks! It was nice to see a comment from you. :) I've been to your blog a couple times this week but haven't gotten time to comment there so far. It's nice to see you back to blogging again, though! I totally understand why you needed to take a break, though--thanks for sharing all about that. :)
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