This is one of the family pictures we had taken for Christmas. It's not the main pose, but we got a few prints in this pose and actually ended up liking it better than the main one. I thought it would be fun to share here on my blog.
We just got back a while ago from celebrating Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We're winding down now, and hopefully heading for bed soon. Tomorrow will be a busy day, with church in the morning, then celebrating our own little family Christmas here at home. We may try to see my grandparents and parents later in the day; we're not sure on that yet. It will probably depend how tired we all are!
Earlier today, Jim and I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" while wrapping presents. I love that movie! Definitely a Christmas tradition, along with my long-time favorites, "Holiday Inn" and "White Christmas."
Well, I had better move along and try to finish up a few things so I can get to bed. I hope each one of my readers has a lovely and blessed Christmas! I'll try to write more about our holiday sometime next week. Till next time . . . have a safe and happy weekend!
1 comment:
Thanks for the comments on the picture. :) Mindee, I like the one of your family that you sent us, too. Thanks! It came out really nice.
I did enjoy having Christmas on a Sunday for a change. We only made it to the morning service, but it definitely did help us focus on the meaning of Christmas. I was also thankful that the service wasn't until 10:45 because it was a lot nicer being able to sleep in a bit and have a leisurely breakfast. We did our stockings before breakfast. Then off to church. Then home for lunch, then off again to visit my grandparents and parents. After that we went home again and hoped Sam would nap, but nope . . . so we ended up opening presents then. That evening my parents came over for a little while. And that was our day. Tiring, but nice.
Zan, I'm sorry your day was so exhausting. I know what you mean about wishing to stay home and relax. We had already done Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve, but felt it was important to see my grandparents, too . . . but it did make us more tired than if we had just stayed home.
I actually think it would be really nice to do like the Catholics do with midnight mass (only not mass, of course)--but a Christmas Eve service, with candlelight and everything, no matter what day of the week Christmas falls on. Then Christmas day could be spent all at home or with family. I've never been in a church that did that, though . . . but I think it would be nice. Not that I'm complaining about having a church service on Christmas day--it was very special--I have just always loved the idea of a candlelit Christmas Eve service. I don't see that happening in our church, though, right, Mindee? :) It would take too many candles and probably the fire department wouldn't like the idea. :)
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