Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday afternoon thoughts

I finally got Sam down for his nap around 3:30, and am taking some much needed down time on the computer. :) Lately he's been dropping his morning nap and just taking a good long (2-2.5 hour) afternoon nap. Only problem with that today is that it took him forever to get tired enough to go to sleep. Usually he's been going down anywhere from noon to 2:30, but not today. Oh well, now he should wake up in a good mood around suppertime. :)

Our church is having revival meetings this week with the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team. We won't be able to make it to all the services, but we went last night and Sunday, and hopefully will be able to go to one or two more of them during the week. Mr. Pettit is one of my favorite preachers; he makes everything clear and gets right to the heart of the matter, but without a lot of emotionalism which some evangelists are known for. This is not to say that I haven't been blessed and challenged by some preachers who are more of the "pulpit-pounding" type, but I just prefer Mr. Pettit's style. I also really enjoy the music ministry of his team; they have some very gifted musicians in both voice and instruments, who are a real blessing. I've heard several of his teams over the years, and it seems that they just keep getting better. We purchased their latest recording, Higher Ground, and also a new recording by Christy Galkin, called Let Christ Be Lifted Up. Both are excellent.

We've been having a fly invasion lately in our house--they're really annoying, but it's better than another mouse invasion. :) I think we'd better spray for them next year. Of course, once Jim gets things closed up more in certain parts of the house, that should help, too. :) When and if he ever has time!!

I haven't been doing too well with the Flylady stuff lately, to my shame. But today I finally did get my sink shined! I tackled it with Barkeeper's Friend and it came out looking much better. Sam and I almost had a crisis with the dishwasher today . . . Jim hasn't remembered to fasten it down to the floor or wall yet, which has almost resulted in a catastrophe to me several times. (Like when I forget about that little detail, and pull the racks all the way out when they're loaded with dishes--instant tipover!) Anyway, today Sam decided to kneel on the open door as I was loading stuff in. I caught him in the nick of time and firmly explained that he was NOT to sit on it. Of course, being my dear little hard-headed child that he is, it either didn't register or he just decided to try it again to see what would happen . . . my back was turned and all of the sudden, CRASH! The dishwasher had tipped and the bottom rack had slid all the way out and turned upside down, spilling silverware all over the floor. Fortunately I only had 2 breakable plates in there, and both were OK. If they had broken, I think I would have burst into tears--since they're my favorite chickadee dishes, and we've managed to break one plate and 2 bowls from that set since moving here. (6 years without breaking ANY of them, and then in less than 2 months we've broken three!) This wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't been discontinued, but they have . . . and now the only place to find them is Ebay, where they're way overpriced! So I was very relieved that the plates were fine, and Sam was, too. He did get in a bit of trouble for his little escapade, however. But hopefully next time he'll remember that the dishwasher is off limits!! And I think I'll give my hubby a gentle reminder to see if he can get it bolted down tonight. :) It's not his fault; he rarely loads it, so he just doesn't think about it, and I've learned to (usually) remember not to pull the racks out.

Well, I may have more to post a little later, but for now I want to go out and check the mail while my little munchkin is still sleeping. Hope all my readers are having a happy week so far!

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