Thursday, April 04, 2019

Master bathroom remodel...a year later!

There are lots of things I’ve missed recording over the past few years, birthdays and family adventures in particular, but for today I thought I’d do a quick post about the bathroom remodel we did last March.  Hard to believe it’s been a whole year!  Jim had some time between jobs, so we decided to jump in and renovate.  We really needed to reinsulate the walls and ceiling, and I was tired of the ripped and peeling border.  We had most of the materials on hand already (the PVC ceiling boards were leftover from a job, I think.  We didn’t have to put much money into the project, which was the best part!  We spent $5 on discount paint, and I think almost everything else was "free."  I did buy a new trash can for $1 at the Dollar Tree, too. 😉

Back in 2009 we had finally put up a wall border in our bathroom, and this is how it looked then: cream-colored walls, beige floor, lots of neutrals.

Fast-forward 9 years...the pretty border was all ripped up, there was some moisture damage in the walls, and we were ready for a change.  Demolition began, and we completed the whole project in a week!  (Using the term "we" very loosely, of course...most of the work was done by "HE!" 😉)

 The new beadboard ceiling turned out so nice!  We decided to go with a deep brown paint, named "Coffee Grounds," for the walls.  With the white contrast, it ended up looking so nice.  A year later, I still love this look.

 Since these pics were taken, we also hung up my hair dryer holder, so the wall above the scale doesn't look quite so bare now.
 The sink doesn't always look this uncluttered and tidy, either...still, I'm having a lot easier time keeping things neat now that we have more storage space.
Like this built-in shelf that Jim made from extra beadboard!
Even though this is a pretty small bathroom, and the slanted ceiling doesn't help, I feel like the changes we made helped improve the look and feel of this room a lot.  We are thinking about expanding this bathroom at some point to include a garden tub (once the boys' new room is complete in our future addition), but for now this update makes me so happy!


Mrs.T said...

Wow! So nice to see it all explained with photos like this! This should be an encouragement to anyone trying to spruce things up on a tiny budget. $6 for this remodel (plus lots of "sweat equity" on Jim's part) produced such a dramatic difference and nice result. Well done!

Nikki said...

That is wonderful and looks so nice. We have been working on a bathroom remodel for years. We seem to work in spurts and jump around in what needs doing first. It's always fun to get to the decorating and organizing parts.