Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday Musing: Consuming vs. Producing

**this picture has nothing to do with the post, but my big hydrangea finally bloomed again this year, and it's so beautiful!**

I've been thinking of how I can really focus some intentional time in this space.  It's been years since I've prioritized writing here (or anywhere, for that matter)... the quick little snippets of life are so much easier to quickly put up on other social media platforms with a picture, from my phone.  (Blogging from my phone doesn't work, sadly!)

I've been mulling over how I used to be a lot more of a producer (writing content for my blog) and now I'm more of a consumer (scrolling everyone else's FB and IG posts, Pinterest, blogs, etc.)  Part of it is lack of time to think and formulate worthwhile content. Part of it is that homeschooling takes much more of my time than it used to.  Part of it, I suppose, is that blogs have begun to go the way of the dinosaur, and longer gaps between my posts equal fewer and fewer readers.  Part of it (let's face it) is the fact that I consume...i.e. waste time...on other social media which I could be spending on the blog.  Ouch.  Yet I hesitate to come on here and claim that I'm going to post more, because my track record with that is less than stellar!  There is lots of *good* content out there--content that helps me grow spiritually, as a person, as a mom, as a homeschooler...and sometimes I feel like I don't really have a lot to add to the conversation.

But, I still love to write.  I enjoy putting my thoughts out there, and I most especially enjoy looking back on the little pieces of our life that I've shared here through the years.  PLUS my sister-in-law (who just published her first novel!!) has started a blog to go along with her website, and I figured maybe I should start writing again so we could motivate each other along the way. 😉

So, we'll see how it goes.  I hope to make a plan soon of a blogging schedule that I can follow weekly (themes for different days?), maybe planning to post three times a week.  If I could plan a time to write all the posts at once and then schedule them to be published on different days, I think that would help.  Sometimes I like to write on the fly, though...  Anyhow, we'll see how it goes!


Mrs.T said...

This was a very thought-provoking post. I was challenged to think more seriously about mu own balance between consuming and producing.

I do think that you have much to add to the conversation. For one thing, you could share some of the resources that have impacted your life and your family's life ... how you're applying the things you've learned. So many believers don't seem to know how to apply biblical truth to their own lives. Just sharing how that looks in your family could be very helpful.

One commenter on my Friday five posts mentions that they are her favorite posts of the week. I didn't think they were anything special, but they are very meaningful to her. So you never know what might be a blessing to one of your readers.

Two or three posts per week seems to be about right for me. Maybe it will work out that way for you also!

Carrie said...

Mrs. T--well, last week was a flop but I'm up and running again this week! ;) Thanks for the encouragement!!