Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday Medley: March 27

I'm joining in again with the Wednesday Medley, hosted by Terri at Your Friend from Florida.  Today is "National Joe Day" and all the questions this week have to do with names.

1.  Who is your favorite "Joe/Jo" and what can you tell us about him or her?  My favorite "joe" is coffee...haha!  Actually I have a number of "Joe/Jo's" in my family.  My sweet sister is a Joanna (but I normally call her Jo), my sister-in-law, whom I consider a dear friend, is Joanne (I don't call her Jo, but she was called that by her family growing up, I believe), and my husband has a brother named Joe.  But my favorite "Jo" of all is my Josiah. 😊 However...we never call him Jo or Joe; his nickname ended up being Siah!

2.  Who were you named for and do you or did you know that person? I was not named for any relative or friend, BUT there is a neat story about how I got my name.  When my mom was pregnant with me, she was reading the Little House books to my older brother, and he asked if they could name me "Baby Carrie" if I was a girl. So, they did!  I have always thought that was cool since those books are some of my all-time favorites, and it's special that my brother chose my name.  Of course I didn't know my namesake in real life, but how I would have loved to meet the Ingalls family, even if the real-life family was somewhat different than the ficitional version.

3.  Do you have a middle name and do you like it/use it? Yes, my middle name is Elisabeth and I do like it.  I actually wanted to name Ari that, kind of after me and kind of after Elisabeth Elliot, who is one of my heroes of the faith.  I would have liked to use the nickname Betsy.  Alas, Jim wasn't a fan and so we went with a different name for her, which I DO love, too.  (Now it would be hard to picture her as a Betsy, for sure!)

4.  Have you ever named your car?   Tell us about it, please! When I was a kid, our cars were often named.  Then when Jim and I got married he had an old red Ford truck (1977!) which we named "Fergie" because she was painted "Massey Ferguson Red."  I also had a little car which we called "Bunny" for a while, but she didn't last long. After that we somehow never got around to naming our cars, and it isn't really a thing for us anymore.  I would kind of like to name our camper, though!

5.  Tell us the name of a fictional character you have never forgotten and why you remember it so well.  I remember tons of fictional characters' names...I have a good memory for names, I guess.  A favorite is Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's famous little Belgian detective.  I have always loved those books and also the movies with David Suchet, who will always be Poirot in my mind!  

6.  Share something random with us about your week.  I have 2 sick girlies sicker than the other.  Julia started in with a fever last night and hasn't felt well at all today.  In fact, she and Ari both took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. 

On the bright side, today was warm and springlike, even though we still have tons of snow in the yard. Our road is getting muddy (a sure sign of spring in NH!), and Josiah and I even spied tiny points of green in the flower bed in front of the library today when we stopped in for a few minutes.  So happy that spring is on the way!


Terri D said...

Carrie, thanks for joining in today and linking up with us!! I enjoyed reading all about peoples favorite Joe/Jos and also about namesakes and middle names. Some of the funniest have been the car/truck names! Good to see you here!

Mrs.T said...

Hope that the girls are feeling better. Julia looks completely miserable -- so unlike herself. They are in my prayers and I trust that this will pass by quickly.

Your answers were fun to read today! Glad you were able to join in on the Wednesday Medley!

Carrie Bennett said...

So I am a Carrie Elizabeth. I don't think I knew you also had the same middle name minus the z. I'm not sure if my mom named me for the Ingles family or not. I should ask. She always did like books.

Carrie said...

Terri, thanks for visiting my blog! It was fun to get a comment from you. Thanks also for hosting the Wednesday Medley; I look forward to continuing to join in as I'm able!

Mrs. T, happy to say that the girls are on the mend. Still not feeling great, but much better today than on Weds!

Carrie, that's too funny that we have the same name. I'm glad you're still checking in here; it was fun to get your comment! Hope all is well with you guys. :)