Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wednesday Hodgepodge

My mom's been encouraging me for months to join in with the Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce at From This Side of the Pond.  So today I decided (to start my blogging engines) I would DO IT!  And so I did...and come to find out, this is the last Weds. Hodgepodge until September!!   And even then it may not be a regular feature on Joyce's blog anymore.  Oh well, hopefully I can find something else to join in on, to get the writing juices flowing!  Anyway, here we go...

1.  I feel most energized when I __________________
Hmmm, this is tough.  I think there are a couple things.  As an introvert, having time alone to recharge really refreshes and energizes me.  As you can imagine, time completely by myself is hard to come by!  So those times are few and far between, but I do enjoy them.  On the other hand, I also get recharged by spending time with friends, just talking and sharing.  Bouncing ideas off other moms energizes me.  And when I really get on a roll and stay on top of my housework, menu planning, cooking, etc...then I feel super energized and happy. 😊

2. Where were you ten years ago?
I was in the thick of mothering three little ones (now my three bigs!).  Sam was 4, Julia was 2, and Josiah was 3 mos. and had the bluest eyes!!  (Still does!)  It's amazing looking at this picture, how much he looks just like the bigger person he has become.  Sometimes I miss them at these ages, especially when I look back at pictures from those years.  But we're in a better stage of life in our family and marriage now, so I have to say I like this season better...most of the time. I think I found more time to blog back then, though!

3. July 17 is World Emoji Day.  Do you use emojis? Which one's your favorite?  Your most used?
Yep, I use them...probably way too much. πŸ˜‰  My favorite is probably the😍 or the πŸ˜‚ but my most used is a regular smiley. 😊 (And would you believe I didn't know there was now an emoji option on Blogger?  No more typing colons and parentheses! πŸ˜„)

4. What song would you put on a wedding DO NOT PLAY list?
My mind is drawing a blank on this one!  I'm sure there are some funny ones I could list, but can't think of any at the moment.

5. What deserves less of your attention?  More of your attention?
Less: Facebook for sure.  Internet in general!  I'm going to take a break soon, maybe next week.  More: Menu planning.  Camper renovation project.  School planning for next year.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.
A few things I'm thankful for today:  A successful thrift shopping expedition (Nike sneakers for Julia for $3!  Shorts for Josiah for camp!  A cute skirt for Julia!), new books in the mail thanks to a Prime Day coupon, work coming out of Jim's ears this summer, perfect weather today.  


Loris Glassworks said...

Post pics of your camper re-do. I love camping and have a new travel trailer. Any must see campsites that are on your favorites list?
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

Mrs.T said...

This was so much fun to read!! I'm glad you went ahead and joined in even though this is the last Hodgepodge for awhile. Maybe you can plan to do the September one, at least, even if Joyce opts not to continue.

You see what I meant, though, it is a nice jump start to a blog post. I find that it also often sparks another idea, to share a recipe, or a memory, or whatever.

I think you have lots of blog fodder just in the activities of your everyday life!

Yes, lots of emoticons available on Blogger now.

Enjoyed this post so much, Carrie!

James said...

Thanks, ladies! It feels good to be writing something again!

Lori, we haven't really camped for years, so I'm not much help with campsite ideas...but I'm hoping we can get back to it once our camper is finished. I will definitely plan to post remodel pics as we go along. :) I am loving the Pop Up Princess blog for inspiration! One of the places I most want to camp is Acadia National Park in Maine. And I'd love to take our kids to PEI, since they've never been there and the last time I went was in college!

Carrie said...

PS: That was me posting above...Blogger is being weird and wasn't cooperating when I tried to publish a comment under my regular account...

annies home said...

what a beautiful baby, I had my children close in age as well. They were a bunch of fun but also a lot of work
come see us at

1HappyWife said...

This was such a fun post to read!!! Off to catch up on other postsπŸ˜€. Happy to see you back to blogging!