Monday, January 01, 2018

A fresh start...

First of all, happy new year!!

Second of the maybe three people who might still check my poor, neglected blog, hello!  Obviously my grandiose plans of regular posting went out the window (again) once we started back to school in the fall.  Maybe someday I will come to accept that I simply cannot do all. the. things! ;)  In the we are at the start of a new year, and of course that brings with it new goals and plans of how I will (maybe?) make time to post little snippets now and then.  I miss it. 

I've been working on goals for this year, but only in my head so far.  Tomorrow I hope to make time to sit down with pen and paper, and actually write some down.  And then, copy them here to make them "public" (again, to the handful of readers who may be here, ha!). 

Our new year is off to a good start.  Today we did a bunch of post-holiday/pre-having-company housecleaning!  Jim even dragged the big ladder inside and vacuumed the ceiling fans and beams and other dusty spots around the walls/ceilings for me...what a HUGE blessing that was!!  It's been bugging me for a while, but I can't reach our high ceilings without a ladder, so it's one of those things we only get to once a year (or less).  So even though the *whole* house isn't completely sparkling, just looking up at those dust-free fans makes me smile!

In the afternoon we had friends over for a playdate/supper, and it was nice to catch up with them.  Even though we live in the same town, we don't get to visit often due to our different work/school schedules, so I was glad this time opened up.  It was a nice way to start 2018!

Over the past month, I participated in a photo-a-day challenge on Instagram, which was so much fun.  I actually *completed* the challenge, too, which kind of surprised me and made me think that maybe, just maybe, I could be successful at regular posting on my blog again, somehow.  (Although it's a lot faster to throw up a quick picture and post on IG or FB than to take time to write something with a little more substance.  Ah, the love-hate relationship with social media!!)  Anyway, we'll see what happens, but for now I'm just happy I had a few minutes to chatter here.  I hope your new year is off to a good start!


Mrs.T said...

I'm happy, too! Great to see you here again, and will look forward to reading your goals and plans for 2018 when you post them. That's on my agenda for tomorrow, too!

Carrie Bennett said...

I'm here still :)