Friday, July 14, 2017

A little construction

I got a little carried away this evening and changed up my blog design and header a bit!  I felt like it was time to freshen things up.  I'd love to hear opinions...anyone?  I'm not totally sure if I'll stick with this change for a while or not, but it was fun to play around with it. :)


Mrs.T said...

It's very cute and I especially like the rustic header! I often think of changing mine, but you know, I still like it and ... it's comfortable and familiar to see it come into view, somehow. Maybe some day, if and when life ever settles down, I will change it. I think I would enjoy designing my own headers.

Carrie said...

Thanks! I am playing with it a little bit more today, and I think I'll change it up again. I found a background I liked better (less distracting from the posts, I think) and that meant I ended up changing the header too (but it's still rustic...and I think I like it better!). I've been trying stuff out on my "practice" blog and later today I hope to apply it to my real blog.